Grow Guide - Aloe Vera

How To Start: The easiest way to grow your own Aloe Vera plant is from propagation. Aloes are very easy to propagate, from the baby plants (offsets) that appear at their base. Simply tease away the offsets and plant them in their own pot.

Alternatively, you can start Aloe Vera from seed. They are tiny, greyish brown to black and flat. Seeds that are light-coloured or white are not ready to harvest and will not germinate. Seeds are found in dried pods on the plant and need to be extracted by splitting the pod. Once you have your seed, pot up in a sandy, well-draining compost and wait for germination.

Temperature: 18-24℃ during all periods of germination, growth etc.

Light: Indirect natural light for six to eight hours a day. Or, use the Pianta grow light for 6 to 12 inches above the plant for 14-16 hours will give the best results.

Watering & Care: Aloe vera are succulents, meaning they store water in their leaves. So, it’s important not to overwater! Do the finger test and see how damp the soil is a few cm down. Aloe is a low maintenance houseplant and should be happy in a pot for a good few years until it starts to outgrow it.

Fertiliser: Look for NPK values of 10-40-10 or mixes designed specifically for succulents.

Pests: Aloe Rust (small, yellow spots), Stem Rot (Overwatering, base of plant rotting, fatal disease), Aphids (tiny bugs feeding on the plant, clear with soapy water)

Height: 1-2 feet tall

Time Of Growth: Takes 3-4 years to grow and mature into a full plant, active growth all year indoors.

How To Use: The gel from aloe vera is useful in skincare and is used to treat wounds and burns. It’s also edible and is often added to desserts, yoghurts and beverages.

Is It Toxic To Pets? Toxic if eaten

Nutritional Values:

for 100 g of product

Potassium: - 0 mg

Phosphorus: - 0 mg

Calcium: - 8 mg

Sodium: - 8 mg

Iron: - 0.15 mg